WAR - New Artwork

After many months in the making, new colour and black Biro drawing Pregnant with Twins Pinup is finished! Part of Jane's ongoing project War, this body of work examines the meaning of the word war and continues to explore loss generated by human destruction. Behind the 1960s kitsch facade, this artwork incorporates an intricate web of symbolism and asks a deep and significant moral question...

Pregnant with Twins Pinup 2017 colour Biro drawing Pinup Series
This piece explores similarities and contrasts between the experiences of domestic animals and humans during warfare, through the symbolism of a woman and a Lipizzaner mare, both expectant mothers. It also tells the story of a family, using a portrayal of their pregnant daughter. The family survived the holocaust, ensuring the continuation of future generations. The pregnant woman's mother, gave birth to her while in hiding from the Nazi’s during WWII. Her paternal Grandfather also survived Buchenwald Concentration Camp. The colours and kitsch style of the drawing reflect the 1960s, an era of liberation for women, when she herself gave birth to the next generation of her family.
Photos of the woman during the 1960's are reminiscent to those of Jean Shrimpton and Natalie Wood, whose images were used as inspiration for the subject’s face. The Lipizzaner mare not only symbolises the brutality endured by many domestic animals during conflict but also draws a parallel to that of the woman, by illustrating how the course of history preserves some bloodlines but extinguishes others.

In 1942 under threat of warfare, Europe’s Lipizzaner breeding stock was relocated by the German High Command, to Czechoslovakia. Upon discovery by the American Army in 1945, fear that the advancing Red Army would slaughter the Lipizzaner herd for meat, led to a rescue mission. Operation Cowboy approved by General George. S. Patton, involved the evacuation by US soldiers of the Lipizzaner herd to Allied-occupied Germany, saving the breed from extinction.

This piece also explores the deeper moral question of whether beings that experience fear and pain should be treated as Mankind’s equals? It also acknowledges that some humans demonstrate an obligation to preserve the lives of animals as well as humans, while others believe animals to be inferior.

In commemoration of Pilgrim and Roxy and with kind thanks to Heidi Carr and Jill Smith.

Further information about this project here
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