Orangutan Posters

You've got to love Orangutans?

Unfortunately palm oil producers and illegal pet traders don't. Now critically endangered, one of our closest living relatives is walking towards extinction.

This poster has been created in support of WCS Malaysia for the orangutans of Sarawak. Children of Jarrow Cross CE Primary School produced these splendid colour Biro drawings in a special orangutan drawing workshop I held in April.

Forming emotional connections with species is one of the keys to helping them. If we care about them, we want to conserve them.

I hope you agree each orangutan has oodles of character! The children are now busy writing letters to the UK's big supermarkets to urge them ban unsustainable palm oil products. A very big orange furry thank you to the children of Jarrow Cross and their inspirational teachers Mrs Peacock and Mrs Holt.

You can read about Sarawak orangutans here:

Size: A3
Price: £6.99

Posters are available from Thought Foundation shop during 'Where Did All the Animals Go?' exhibition from 20 June with profits going directly to WCS Malaysia.

Limited mail order will be available so if you'd like to purchase a poster please contact me at jane@janeleemccracken.co.uk

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