Amazon Rainforest Fires: How you can help

The Amazon rainforest fires are breaking hearts across the globe and leaving many feeling powerless to help. Wildlife and indigenous peoples as well as the health of our planet are in grave peril. Each of these drawings by Year 5 children of St Peter's Primary School, Scarborough, represents a species found in the Amazon rainforest.

Throughout the years delivering my Drawing for Endangered Species Workshops in partnership with Born Free Foundation, I've been teaching children and adults about vulnerable wildlife and how to draw them in Biro. People often say to me "I want to help but I don't know how" or "don't worry, other people are helping". However we are all able to help and share the responsibility.

Here are some ways you can help the Amazon now! They might seem small and insignificant but if we all do our bit, imagine the massive impact we can have!

- SHARE your voice about the Amazon fires on social media, or share posts by environmental or media organisations, and keep sharing! Use hashtags like #ActForTheAmazon #AmazonRainforest
- TALK to friends and family, tell them what you're doing to help
- SIGN and share petitions: there are a number of petitions on as well as a UK Government Petition

- EAT less meat: many of the fires have been started to clear land for cattle
- PLANT a tree in memory of all those that have perished in the fires
- DONATE to expert organisations who protect rainforests as well as emergency appeals, every little helps

Here are some useful links:
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